
Chemistry Topics
Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes

The differences
Physical, Chemical, Properties, Industrial, Common Use


1) What is organic chemistry?

The study of the chemistry of carbon compounds. All living things are carbon based and there are so many carbon compounds because carbon atoms can form chains and rings.

2) Crude oil

Crude oil is a finite resource found in rocks and is the remains of an ancient biomass consisting mainly of plankton that was buried in mud.
Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons – compounds containing hydrogen and carbon ONLY

3) Fractional Distillation

Method of separating mixtures based on their boiling points.
Heat the crude oil until is becomes a vapour
Put into tower with temp gradient (hot at bottom, colder at top) Allow the vapour to condense at different heights in the tower. Smaller molecules with lower bpt will condense higher up the tower where it is colder. Larger molecules will condense lower down the tower.

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both GCSE Chemistry included
both GCSE Chemistry included

4) Properties of fractions

Boiling point – smaller molecules have lower boiling points Flammability – smaller molecules burn better so are better fuels Viscosity – smaller molecules are less viscous (flow easily)

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